Tom Klinedinst Tom Klinedinst

A logo that makes you wonder

When it comes to seeing a logo that makes you wonder, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

When it comes to seeing a logo that makes you wonder, “Why didn’t I think of that?”, what exactly is it about the design that gives you that impression?

There are four critical elements that can be seen in every great logo design:

1. It must be describable

2. It must be memorable

3. It must be effective without color

4. It must be scalable i.e. effective when just an inch in size

Points 1 and 2 go hand in hand, because if you can’t describe what a logo looks like then how will you be able to remember it?

Point 3 is important because color is secondary to the shape. Adding color to your logo should be left to the very end of the process, because if the mark doesn’t work in black only, no amount of color will rescue the design.

Point 4 is vital for things such as office stationery (pens, pin badges etc.). All those little things that people often forget about.

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